Support Table
Temml is a JavaScript library that converts TeX math-mode functions to MathML. This page provides an alphabetically sorted list of TeX functions that Temml supports and some functions that it does not support. There is a similar page, with functions sorted by type.
Some functions are provided by an extension and are listed as such. They will be available only in pages that include the extension.
If you know the shape of a character, but not its name, Detexify can help.
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
! | | n! | |
\! | | a\!b | |
# | | \def\bar#1{#1^2} \bar{y} | |
\# | | | |
% | | %this is a comment | |
\% | | | |
& | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{matrix} | |
\& | | | |
' | | | |
\' | | \text{\'{a}} | |
\( | | | |
\) | | | |
\ | | a\ b | |
\" | | \text{\"{a}} | |
\$ | | | |
\, | | a\,\,{b} | |
\. | | \text{\.{a}} | |
\: | | a\:\:{b} | |
\; | | a\;\;{b} | |
_ | | x_i | |
\_ | | | |
\` | | \text{\'{a}} | |
< | | | |
\= | | \text{\={a}} | |
> | | | |
\> | | a\>\>{b} | |
[ | | | |
] | | | |
{ | | {a} | |
} | | {a} | |
\{ | | | |
\} | | | |
| | | | |
\| | | | |
~ | | \text{no~no~no~breaks} | |
\~ | | \text{\~{a}} | |
\\ | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{matrix} | |
^ | | x^i | |
\^ | | \text{\^{a}} | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
\AA | | \text{\AA} | | |
\aa | | \text{\aa} | | |
\above | | {a \above{2pt} b+1} | |
\abovewithdelims | Not supported | | |
\abs | | \abs{x} | physics extension |
\absolutevalue | | \absolutevalue{x} | physics extension |
\acomm | | \acomm{A}{B} | physics extension |
\acute | | \acute e | |
\AE | | \text{\AE} | |
\ae | | \text{\ae} | |
\alef | | | texvc extension |
\alefsym | | | texvc extension |
\aleph | | | |
{align} | | \begin{align} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f
\end{align} | ams |
{align*} | | \begin{align*} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f
\end{align*} | ams |
{aligned} | | \begin{aligned} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f
\end{aligned} | ams |
{alignat} | | \begin{alignat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4
\end{alignat} | ams |
{alignat*} | | \begin{alignat*}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4
\end{alignat*} | ams |
{alignedat} | | \begin{alignedat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4
\end{alignedat} | ams |
\allowbreak | | | |
\Alpha | | | |
\alpha | | | |
\amalg | | | |
\And | | | |
\and | Not supported | Deprecated | texvc |
\ang | Not supported | Deprecated | texvc |
\angl | | a_{\angl n} | actuarialangle |
\angln | | a_\angln | actuarialangle |
\angle | | | |
\Angstrom | | | stix |
\anticommutator | | \anticommutator{A}{B} | physics extension |
\approx | | | |
\approxeq | | | |
\arccos | | | |
\arcctg | | | |
\arceq | | | stix |
\arcsin | | | |
\arctan | | | |
\arctg | | | |
\arg | | | |
\argmax | | | statmath |
\argmin | | | statmath |
{array} | | \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d
\end{array} | LaTeX 2ε |
\array | Not supported | See{array} | |
\arraycolsep | | \renewcommand{\arraycolsep}{12pt}
\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d
\end{array} | LaTeX 2ε |
\arraystretch | | \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{2.0}
\begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d
\end{array} | LaTeX 2ε |
\Arrowvert | Not supported | see\Vert | |
\arrowvert | Not supported | see\vert | |
\ast | | | |
\astrosun | | | stix |
\asymp | | | |
\atop | | {a \atop b} | |
\atopwithdelims | Not supported | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\backcong | | | MnSymbol |
\backepsilon | | | ams |
\backprime | | \sigma^\backprime | ams |
\backdprime | | \sigma^\backdprime | stix |
\backsim | | | ams |
\backsimeq | | | ams |
\backslash | | | |
\backtrprime | | \sigma^\backtrprime | stix |
\bar | | \bar{y} | |
\barcap | | | stix |
\barcup | | | stix |
\barvee | | | stix |
\barwedge | | | ams |
\ballotx | | | arev |
\Bbb | | \Bbb{ABC} | |
\Bbbk | | | |
\bbox | Not supported | | |
\bcancel | | \bcancel{5} | cancel |
\because | | | ams |
\begin | | \begin{matrix}
a & b \\
c & d
\end{matrix} | ams |
\begingroup | | \begingroup a\endgroup | |
\Beta | | | |
\beta | | | |
\beth | | | ams |
\between | | | ams |
\bf | | {\bf AaBb12} | |
\bfseries | Not supported | | |
\big | | \big(\big) | |
\Big | | \Big(\Big) | |
\bigcap | | | |
\bigcirc | | | |
\bigcup | | | |
\bigcupdot | | | MnSymbol |
\bigcupplus | | | MnSymbol |
\bigdoublevee | | | MnSymbol |
\bigdoublewedge | | | MnSymbol |
\bigg | | \bigg(\bigg) | |
\Bigg | | \Bigg(\Bigg) | |
\biggl | | \biggl( | |
\Biggl | | \Biggl( | |
\biggm | | \biggm\vert | |
\Biggm | | \Biggm\vert | |
\biggr | | \biggr) | |
\Biggr | | \Biggr) | |
\bigl | | \bigl( | |
\Bigl | | \Bigl( | |
\bigm | | \bigm\vert | |
\Bigm | | \Bigm\vert | |
\bigodot | | | |
\bigominus | Not supported | | |
\bigoplus | | | |
\bigoslash | Not supported | | |
\bigotimes | | | |
\bigr | | \bigr) | |
\Bigr | | \Bigr) | |
\bigtimes | | | stix |
\bigsqcap | | | |
\bigsqcup | | | |
\bigstar | | | ams |
\bigtriangledown | | | |
\bigtriangleup | | | |
\biguplus | | | |
\bigvee | | | |
\bigwedge | | | |
\binom | | \binom n k | ams |
\blackhourglass | | | stix |
\blacklozenge | | | ams |
\blacksquare | | | ams |
\blacktriangle | | | ams |
\blacktriangledown | | | ams |
\blacktriangleleft | | | ams |
\blacktriangleright | | | ams |
\bm | | \bm{AaBb} | bm |
{Bmatrix} | | \begin{Bmatrix}
a & b \\
c & d
\end{Bmatrix} | ams |
{Bmatrix*} | | \begin{Bmatrix*}[r]
-1 & 3 \\
2 & -4
\end{Bmatrix*} | mathtools |
{bmatrix} | | \begin{bmatrix}
a & b \\
c & d
\end{bmatrix} | ams |
{bmatrix*} | | \begin{bmatrix*}[r]
-1 & 3 \\
2 & -4
\end{bmatrix*} | mathtools |
\bmod | | a \bmod b | |
\bold | | \bold{AaBb123} | |
\boldsymbol | | \boldsymbol{AaBb} | ams |
\bordermatrix | | \bordermatrix{ & 1 & 2 & 3 \cr 1 & A & B & C \cr 2 & D & E & F \cr} | |
\bot | | | |
\Bot | | | cmll |
\bowtie | | | |
\Box | | | ams |
\boxast | | | stix |
\boxbox | | | stix |
\boxcircle | | | stix |
\boxdot | | | ams |
\boxed | | \boxed{ab} | ams |
\boxminus | | | ams |
\boxplus | | | ams |
\boxslash | | | boisik |
\boxtimes | | | ams |
\Bqty | | \Bqty{5 \text{mm}} | physics extension |
\bqty | | \bqty{5 \text{mm}} | physics extension |
\Bra | | \Bra{\psi} | braket |
\bra | | \bra{\psi} | braket |
\braket | | \braket{\phi|\psi} | braket |
\Braket | | \Braket{ϕ|\frac{∂^2}{∂
t^2}|ψ} | braket |
\brace | | {n\brace k} | |
\bracevert | Not supported | | |
\brack | | {n\brack k} | |
\breve | | \breve{eu} | |
\buildrel | Not supported | | |
\bull | | | texvc extension |
\bullet | | | |
\Bumpeq | | | ams |
\bumpeq | | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
\C | Not supported | Deprecated | texvc |
\c | | \text{\c{c}} | |
\cal | | {\cal AaBb} | |
\cancel | | \cancel{5} | cancel |
\Cap | | | ams |
\cap | | | |
\capbarcup | | | stix |
\capdot | | | stix |
\capovercup | | | stix |
{cases} | | \begin{cases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d
\end{cases} | ams |
\cases | Not supported | see{cases} | |
{CD} | | \begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\
@VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D
\end{CD} | ams |
\cdot | | | |
\cdotp | | | |
\cdots | | | |
\ce | | \ce{C6H5-CHO} | mhchem extension |
\cee | Not supported | Deprecated Use\ce instead. | mhchem |
\cent | | | wasysym |
\centerdot | | | ams |
\cf | Not supported | Deprecated Use\ce instead. | mhchem |
\cfrac | | \cfrac{2}{1+\cfrac{2}{1}} | ams |
\check | | \check{oe} | |
\ch | | | |
\checkmark | | | ams |
\Chi | | | |
\chi | | | |
\choose | | {n+1 \choose k+2} | |
\circ | | | |
\circeq | | | ams |
\circlearrowleft | | | ams |
\circlearrowright | | | ams |
\circledast | | | ams |
\circledcirc | | | ams |
\circledequal | | | stix |
\circleddash | | | ams |
\circledparallel | | | stix |
\circledR | | | ams |
\circledS | | | ams |
\circledvert | | | stix |
\circlehbar | | | stix |
\class | Not supported | | |
\cline | Not supported | | |
\closedvarcap | | | stix |
\closedvarcup | | | stix |
\clubs | | | texvc extension |
\clubsuit | | | |
\cnums | | | texvc extension |
\coh | | | cmll |
\colon | | | |
\Colonapprox | | | mathtools |
\colonapprox | | | mathtools |
\coloncolon | | | colonequals |
\coloncolonapprox | | | colonequals |
\coloncolonequals | | | colonequals |
\coloncolonminus | | | colonequals |
\coloncolonsim | | | colonequals |
\colonminus | | | colonequals |
\Coloneq | | | mathtools |
\coloneq | | | mathtools |
\Coloneqq | | | mathtools |
\coloneqq | | | mathtools |
\Colonsim | | | mathtools |
\colonsim | | | mathtools |
\color | | \color{#0000FF} AaBb123 | color |
\colorbox | | \colorbox{red}{Black on red} | color |
\comm | | \comm{A}{B} | physics extension |
\commutator | | \commutator{A}{B} | physics extension |
\complement | | | ams |
\Complex | | | texvc extension |
\concavediamond | | | stix |
\concavediamondtickleft | | | stix |
\concavediamondtickright | | | stix |
\cong | | | |
\Coppa | | | |
\coppa | | | |
\coprod | | | |
\copyright | | | |
\cos | | | |
\cosec | | | |
\cosh | | | |
\cot | | | |
\cotg | | | |
\coth | | | |
\cp | | | physics extension |
\cr | | \begin{matrix} a & b \cr c & d
\end{matrix} | |
\cross | | | physics extension |
\crossproduct | | | physics extension |
\csc | | | |
\cssId | Not supported | See\id . |
\ctg | | | |
\cth | | | |
\Cup | | | ams |
\cup | | | |
\cupovercap | | | stix |
\curl | | | physics extension |
\curlyeqprec | | | ams |
\curlyeqsucc | | | ams |
\curlyvee | | | ams |
\curlywedge | | | ams |
\curvearrowleft | | | ams |
\curvearrowright | | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\dag | | | |
\Dagger | | | texvc extension |
\dagger | | | |
\daleth | | | ams |
\Darr | | | texvc extension |
\dArr | | | texvc extension |
\darr | | | texvc extension |
{darray} | | \begin{darray}{cc} a & b \\ c & d
\end{darray} | |
\dashleftarrow | | | ams |
\dashrightarrow | | | ams |
\dashv | | | |
\dbinom | | \dbinom n k | ams |
\dblcolon | | | mathtools |
{dcases} | | \begin{dcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d
\end{dcases} | mathtools |
\dd | | \dd | physics extension |
\ddag | | | |
\ddagger | | | |
\ddddot | | \ddddot x | ams |
\dddot | | \dddot x | ams |
\ddot | | \ddot x | |
\ddots | | | |
\DeclareMathOperator | Not supported | | |
\def | | \def\foo{x^2} \foo + \foo | |
\definecolor | | \definecolor{sortaGreen}{RGB}{128,128,0}
\color{sortaGreen} F=ma | xcolor |
\deg | | | |
\degree | | | |
\delta | | | |
\Delta | | | |
\derivative | | \derivative{x}{y} | physics extension |
\det | | | |
\dfrac | | \dfrac{a-1}{b-1} | ams |
\diameter | | | stix |
\differential | | \differential | physics extension |
\diagdown | | | ams |
\diagonalmatrix | Not supported | | physics |
\diagup | | | ams |
\Diamond | | | |
\diamond | | | |
\diamonds | | | texvc extension |
\diamondsuit | | | |
\Digamma | Not supported | | |
\digamma | | | ams |
\dim | | | |
\displaylines | Not supported | | |
\displaystyle | | \displaystyle\sum_0^n | |
\div | | | |
\divergence | | \divergence | physics extension |
\divideontimes | | | ams |
\dot | | \dot x | |
\Doteq | | | ams |
\doteq | | | |
\doteqdot | | | ams |
\dotminus | | | stix |
\dotplus | | | ams |
\dotproduct | | \dotproduct | physics extension |
\dots | | x_1 + \dots + x_n | |
\dotsb | | x_1 +\dotsb + x_n | ams |
\dotsc | | x,\dotsc,y | ams |
\dotsi | | \int_{A_1}\int_{A_2}\dotsi | ams |
\dotsm | | $x_1 x_2 \dotsm x_n | ams |
\dotso | | | ams |
\doublebarvee | | | stix |
\doublebarwedge | | | stix |
\doublecap | | | ams |
\doublecup | | | ams |
\Downarrow | | | |
\downarrow | | | |
\downdownarrows | | | ams |
\downharpoonleft | | | ams |
\downharpoonright | | | ams |
\dprime | | f^\dprime | stix |
{drcases} | | \begin{drcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d
\end{drcases} | mathtools |
\dv | | \dv{x}{y} | physics extension |
\dyad | | \dyad{a}{b} | physics extension |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\Earth | | | stix |
\edef | | \def\foo{a}\edef\bar{\foo}\def\foo{}\bar | |
\ell | | | |
\else | Not supported | | |
\em | Not supported | | |
\emph | | \emph{nested \emph{emphasis}} | LaTeX 2ε |
\empty | | | texvc extension |
\emptyset | | | |
\enclose | Not supported | Non standard. See\boxed ,\cancel ,\bcancel ,
\xcancel ,\sout ,\angl | |
\end | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{matrix} | |
\endgroup | | \begingroup a\endgroup | |
\enspace | | a\enspace b | |
\Epsilon | | | |
\epsilon | | | |
\eqalign | Not supported | See {align*} | |
\eqalignno | Not supported | See {align} | |
\eqcirc | | | ams |
\Eqcolon | | | mathtools |
\eqcolon | | | mathtools |
\eqeq | | | unicodemath |
\eqeqeq | | | unicodemath |
\equalscolon | | | colonequals |
\equalscoloncolon | | | colonequals |
{equation} | | \begin{equation} a = b + c
\end{equation} | ams |
{equation*} | | \begin{equation*} a = b + c
\end{equation*} | ams |
{eqnarray} | Not supported | | |
\Eqqcolon | | | mathtools |
\eqqcolon | | | mathtools |
\eqdef | | | stix |
\eqref | | \eqref{tag1} Some sites do not support\eqref . | ams |
\eqsim | | | ams |
\eqslantgtr | | | ams |
\eqslantless | | | ams |
\equiv | | | |
\erf | | \erf(x) | physics extension |
\Eta | | | |
\eta | | | |
\eth | | | ams |
\euro | | | |
\ev | | \ev{x} | physics extension |
\eval | | \eval{\tfrac 1 2 x}_0^n | physics extension |
\evaluated | | \evaluated{\tfrac 1 2 x}_0^n | physics extension |
\exist | | | texvc extension |
\exists | | | |
\exp | | | |
\expandafter | | | |
\expectationvalue | | \expectationvalue{x} | physics extension |
\expval | | \expval{x} | physics extension |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\fallingdotseq | | | ams |
\fbox | | \fbox{Hi there!} | |
\fcolorbox | | \fcolorbox{red}{aqua}{A} | xcolor |
\fdv | | \fdv{x}{y} | physics extension |
\female | | | stix |
\fi | Not supported | | |
\Finv | | | ams |
\flat | | | |
\footnotesize | | \footnotesize footnotesize | |
\forall | | | |
\frac | | \frac a b | ams |
\frak | | \frak{AaBb} | |
\frown | | | |
\fullouterjoin | | | stix |
\functionalderivative | | \functionalderivative{x}{y} | physics extension |
\futurelet | | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\Game | | | ams |
\Gamma | | | |
\gamma | | | |
{gather} | | \begin{gather} a=b \\ e=b+c
\end{gather} | ams |
{gather*} | | \begin{gather*} a=b \\ e=b+c
\end{gather*} | ams |
{gathered} | | \begin{gathered} a=b \\ e=b+c
\end{gathered} | ams |
\gcd | | | |
\gdef | | \gdef\barr#1#2{#1^2 #2^3} \barr a b + \barr c d | |
\ge | | | |
\geneuro | Not supported | See\euro | |
\geneuronarrow | Not supported | See\euro | |
\geneurowide | Not supported | See\euro | |
\genfrac | | \genfrac ( ] {2pt}{0}a{a+1} | ams |
\geq | | | |
\geqq | | | ams |
\geqslant | | | ams |
\gets | | | |
\gg | | | |
\ggg | | | ams |
\gggtr | | | ams |
\gimel | | | ams |
\global | Not supported | | |
\gnapprox | | | ams |
\gneq | | | ams |
\gneqq | | | ams |
\gnsim | | | ams |
\grad | | | physics extension |
\gradient | | | physics extension |
\grave | | \grave{eu} | |
\gt | | a \gt b | MathJax |
\gtrapprox | | | ams |
\gtrdot | | | ams |
\gtreqless | | | ams |
\gtreqqless | | | ams |
\gtrless | | | ams |
\gtrsim | | | ams |
\gvertneqq | | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\H | | \text{\H{a}} | |
\Harr | | | texvc extension |
\hArr | | | texvc extension |
\harr | | | texvc extension |
\hat | | \hat{\theta} | |
\hbar | | | |
\hbox | | \hbox{$x^2$} | |
\hbox to | Not supported | | |
\hdashline | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ \hdashline c & d
\end{matrix} | arydshln |
\hearts | | | texvc extension |
\heartsuit | | | |
\hfil | Not supported | | |
\hfill | Not supported | | |
\hline | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ \hline c & d
\end{matrix} | |
\hom | | | |
\hookleftarrow | | | |
\hookrightarrow | | | |
\hourglass | | | stix |
\hphantom | | a\hphantom{bc}d | |
\href | | \href{}{\Temml} Requirestrust option | href |
\hskip | | w\hskip1em i\hskip2em d | |
\hslash | | | ams |
\hspace | | s\hspace{7ex} k | |
\class | | \class{foo}{x} Must enabletrust and disablestrict option | |
\data | | \data{foo=a, bar=b}{x} Must enabletrust and disablestrict option | |
\id | | \id{bar}{x} Must enabletrust and disablestrict option | |
\style | | \style{color: red;}{x} Must enabletrust and disablestrict option | |
\huge | | \huge huge | |
\Huge | | \Huge Huge | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\i | | \text{\i} | |
\idotsint | | \int\idotsint\int | ams |
\iddots | | | |
\if | Not supported | | |
\iff | | A\iff B | |
\ifmode | Not supported | | |
\ifx | Not supported | | |
\iiiint | | | ams |
\iiint | | | ams |
\iint | | | ams |
\Im | | | |
\image | | | texvc extension |
\imageof | | | stix |
\imath | | | |
\impliedby | | P\impliedby Q | ams |
\implies | | P\implies Q | ams |
\in | | | |
\includegraphics | | \includegraphics[height=1em,
totalheight=1.2em, width=1.2em,
alt=sphere]{../sphere.jpg} | graphicx |
\incoh | | | cmll |
\inf | | | |
\infin | | | texvc extension |
\infty | | | |
\injlim | | \injlim | ams |
\innerproduct | | \innerproduct{a}{b} | physics extension |
\int | | | |
\intbar | | | |
\intBar | | | |
\intcap | | | |
\intclockwise | | | |
\intcup | | | |
\intercal | | | ams |
\interleave | | | stix |
\intlarhk | | | |
\intop | | | |
\intx | | | |
\invamp | | | cmll |
\invlazys | | | stix |
\Iota | | | |
\iota | | | |
\isin | | | texvc extension |
\it | | {\it AaBb} | |
\itshape | Not supported | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\j | | \text{\j} | |
\jmath | | | |
\Join | | | ams |
\Kappa | | | |
\kappa | | | |
\ker | | | |
\kern | | I\kern-2.5pt R | |
\Ket | | \Ket{\psi} | braket |
\ket | | \ket{\psi} | braket |
\ketbra | | \ketbra{a}{b} | physics extension |
\Koppa | | | |
\koppa | | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\L | Not supported | | |
\l | Not supported | | |
\Lambda | | | |
\lambda | | | |
\label | | \label{idName} Creates an HTML id. Characters limited to:A-Za-z0-9_- | |
\land | | | |
\lang | | \lang A\rangle | texvc extension |
\lAngle | | \lAngle A\rAngle | unicode-math |
\langle | | \langle A\rangle | |
\laplacian | | | physics extension |
\Larr | | | texvc extension |
\lArr | | | texvc extension |
\larr | | | texvc extension |
\large | | \large large | |
\Large | | \Large Large | |
\LaTeX | | | |
\lBrace | | | stix |
\lbrace | | | |
\lbrack | | | |
\lceil | | | |
\ldotp | | | |
\ldots | | | |
\le | | | |
\leadsto | | | ams |
\left | | \left\lbrace \dfrac ab \right. | |
\leftarrow | | | |
\Leftarrow | | | |
\LeftArrow | Not supported | Non standard | |
\leftarrowtail | | | ams |
\leftharpoondown | | | |
\leftharpoonup | | | |
\leftleftarrows | | | ams |
\leftmodels | | | MnSymbol |
\leftmoon | | | stix |
\leftouterjoin | | | stix |
\Leftrightarrow | | | |
\leftrightarrow | | | |
\leftrightarrows | | | ams |
\leftrightharpoons | | | ams |
\leftrightsquigarrow | | | ams |
\leftroot | Not supported | | |
\leftthreetimes | | | ams |
\leq | | | |
\leqalignno | Not supported | | |
\leqq | | | ams |
\leqslant | | | ams |
\lessapprox | | | ams |
\lessdot | | | ams |
\lesseqgtr | | | ams |
\lesseqqgtr | | | ams |
\lessgtr | | | ams |
\lesssim | | | ams |
\let | | | |
\lfloor | | | |
\lg | | | |
\lgroup | | | |
\lhd | | | ams |
\lightning | | | |
\lim | | | |
\liminf | | | |
\limits | | \lim\limits_x | |
\limsup | | | |
\ll | | | |
\llangle | | \llangle A\rrangle | unicode-math |
\llap | | {=}\llap{/\,} | |
\llbracket | | | stmaryrd |
\llcorner | | | ams |
\Lleftarrow | | | ams |
\lll | | | ams |
\llless | | | ams |
\lmoustache | | | |
\ln | | | |
\lnapprox | | | ams |
\lneq | | | ams |
\lneqq | | | ams |
\lnot | | | |
\lnsim | | | ams |
\log | | | |
\long | | | |
\longdiv | | \longdiv{40.0} | |
\Longleftarrow | | | |
\longleftarrow | | | |
\Longleftrightarrow | | | |
\longleftrightarrow | | | |
\longmapsto | | | |
\Longrightarrow | | | |
\longrightarrow | | | |
\looparrowleft | | | ams |
\looparrowright | | | ams |
\lor | | | |
\lower | | M\lower5pt{M^2}M or
M\lower5pt\hbox{$M^2$}M | |
\lozenge | | | ams |
\lozengeminus | | | stix |
\lparen | | | mathtools |
\Lrarr | | | texvc extension |
\lrArr | | | texvc extension |
\lrarr | | | texvc extension |
\lrcorner | | | ams |
\lq | | | |
\Lsh | | | ams |
\lt | | | MathJax |
\ltimes | | | ams |
\lVert | | | ams |
\lvert | | | ams |
\lvertneqq | | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\male | | | stix |
\maltese | | | ams |
\mapsfrom | | | stmaryrd |
\mapsto | | | |
\mathbb | | \mathbb{AB} | ams |
\mathbf | | \mathbf{AaBb123} | |
\mathbin | | a\mathbin{!}b | |
\mathcal | | \mathcal{AaBb} | |
\mathchoice | | a\mathchoice{\,}{\,\,}{\,\,\,}{\,\,\,\,}b | |
\mathclap | | \sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le n}} x_{i} | mathtools |
\mathclose | | a + (b\mathclose\gt + c | |
\mathellipsis | | | |
\mathfrak | | \mathfrak{AaBb} | ams |
\mathinner | | ab\mathinner{\text{inside}}cd | |
\mathit | | \mathit{AaBb} | |
\mathllap | | {=}\mathllap{/\,} | mathtools |
\mathnormal | | \mathnormal{AaBb} | |
\mathop | | \mathop{\star}_a^b | |
\mathopen | | a + \mathopen\lt b) + c | |
\mathord | | 1\mathord{,}234{,}567 | |
\mathpunct | | A\mathpunct{-}B | |
\mathrel | | a \mathrel{\#} b | |
\mathrlap | | \mathrlap{\,/}{=} | mathtools |
\mathring | | \mathring{a} | ams |
\mathrm | | \mathrm{AaBb12} | |
\mathscr | | \mathscr{AB} | |
\mathsf | | \mathsf{AaBb123} | |
\mathsfit | | \mathsfit{AaBb} | isomath |
\mathsterling | | | |
\mathstrut | | \sqrt{\mathstrut a} | |
\mathtip | Not supported | See\texttip | |
\mathtt | | \mathtt{AaBb123} | |
\matrix | | \matrix{a & b \\c & d} | |
{matrix} | | \begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{matrix} | ams |
{matrix*} | | \begin{matrix*}[r] -1 & 3 \\ 2 & -4
\end{matrix*} | mathtools |
\matrixel | | \matrixel{n}{A}{m} | physics extension |
\matrixelement | | \matrixelement{n}{A}{m} | physics extension |
\mel | | \mel{n}{A}{m} | physics extension |
\max | | | |
\mbox | Not supported | | |
\md | Not supported | | |
\mdseries | Not supported | | |
\measeq | | | stix |
\measuredangle | | | ams |
\medspace | | a\medspace b | ams |
\mho | | | |
\mid | | \{x∈ℝ\mid x>0\} | |
\middle | | P\left(A\middle\vert B\right) | ε-TeX |
\min | | | |
\minuscolon | | | colonequals |
\minuscoloncolon | | | colonequals |
\minusdot | | | stix |
\minusfdots | | | stix |
\minusrdots | | | stix |
\minuso | Not supported | See\standardstate | |
\mit | Not supported | See\mathit | |
\mkern | | a\mkern18mu b | |
\mmlToken | Not supported | | |
\mod | | 3\equiv 5 \mod 2 | ams |
\models | | | |
\moveleft | Not supported | | |
\moveright | Not supported | | |
\mp | | | |
\mskip | | a\mskip{10mu}b | |
\mspace | Not supported | | |
\Mu | | | |
\mu | | | |
\multicolumn | Not supported | | |
\multimap | | | ams |
\multimapboth | | | cmll |
\multimapinv | | | cmll |
{multline} | | \begin{multline} \rm uno \\ \rm dos \\ \rm tres
\end{multline} | ams |
{multline*} | | \begin{multline*} \rm uno \\ \rm dos \\ \rm tres
\end{multline*} | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\N | | | texvc extension |
\nabla | | | |
\Nand | | | stix |
\natnums | | | texvc extension |
\natural | | | |
\negmedspace | | a\negmedspace b | ams |
\ncong | | | ams |
\ne | | | |
\nearrow | | | |
\neg | | | |
\negthickspace | | a\negthickspace b | ams |
\negthinspace | | a\negthinspace b | ams |
\neq | | | |
\newcommand | | \newcommand\chk{\checkmark} \chk | newcommand |
\newenvironment | Not supported | | |
\newextarrow | Not supported | | extpfeil |
\newline | | a\newline b | |
\nexists | | | ams |
\ngeq | | | ams |
\ngeqq | | | ams |
\ngeqslant | | | ams |
\ngtr | | | ams |
\ni | | | |
\nleftarrow | | | ams |
\nLeftarrow | | | ams |
\nLeftrightarrow | | | ams |
\nleftrightarrow | | | ams |
\nleq | | | ams |
\nleqq | | | ams |
\nleqslant | | | ams |
\nless | | | ams |
\nmid | | | ams |
\nobreak | | | |
\nobreakspace | | a\nobreakspace b | ams |
\noexpand | | | |
\nolimits | | \lim\nolimits_x | |
\Nor | | | stix |
\norm | | \norm{x} | physics extension |
\normalfont | Not supported | | |
\normalsize | | \normalsize normalsize | |
\not | | \not = | |
\notag | | \begin{align} a&=b \\ \notag d+e&=f
\end{align} | ams |
\notin | | | |
\notni | | | txfonts/pxfonts |
\nparallel | | | ams |
\nprec | | | ams |
\npreceq | | | ams |
\nRightarrow | | | ams |
\nrightarrow | | | ams |
\nshortmid | | | ams |
\nshortparallel | | | ams |
\nsim | | | ams |
\nsubset | | | mathabx |
\nsubseteq | | | ams |
\nsubseteqq | | | ams |
\nsucc | | | ams |
\nsucceq | | | ams |
\nsupset | | | mathabx |
\nsupseteq | | | ams |
\nsupseteqq | | | ams |
\ntriangleleft | | | ams |
\ntrianglelefteq | | | ams |
\ntriangleright | | | ams |
\ntrianglerighteq | | | ams |
\Nu | | | |
\nu | | | |
\nVDash | | | ams |
\nVdash | | | ams |
\nvDash | | | ams |
\nvdash | | | ams |
\nwarrow | | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\O | | \text{\O} | |
\o | | \text{\o} | |
\obar | | | stix |
\obslash | | | stix |
\oc | | | cmll |
\odiv | | | stix |
\odot | | | |
\odv | | \odv{f}{x} | derivative |
\odv* | | \odv*{f}{x} | derivative |
\OE | | \text{\OE} | |
\oe | | \text{\oe} | |
\officialeuro | Not supported | See\euro | |
\ogreaterthan | | | stix |
\oiiint | | | |
\oiint | | | |
\oint | | | |
\oldstyle | Not supported | | |
\oldstylenums | Not supported | | |
\olessthan | | | stix |
\omega | | | |
\Omega | | | |
\Omicron | | | |
\omicron | | | |
\ominus | | | |
\op | | \op{a}{b} | physics extension |
\operatorname | | \operatorname{asin} x | ams |
\operatorname* | | \operatorname*{asin}\limits_y x | ams |
\operatornamewithlimits | | \operatornamewithlimits{asin}\limits_y x | |
\operp | | | stix |
\oplus | | | |
\or | Not supported | | |
\order | | \order{x^2} | physics extension |
\origof | | | stix |
\oslash | | | |
\otimes | | | |
\Otimes | | | stix |
\otimeshat | | | stix |
\outerproduct | | \outerproduct{a}{b} | physics extension |
\over | | {a+1 \over b+2}+c | |
\overbrace | | \overbrace{x+⋯+x}^{n\text{ times}} | |
\overbracket | Not supported | | |
\overgroup | | \overgroup{AB} | MnSymbol |
\overleftarrow | | \overleftarrow{AB} | ams |
\overleftharpoon | | \overleftharpoon{AB} | MnSymbol |
\overleftrightarrow | | \overleftrightarrow{AB} | ams |
\overline | | \overline{\text{a long argument}} | |
\overlinesegment | Not supported | | |
\overparen | | \overparen{abc} | |
\Overrightarrow | | \Overrightarrow{AB} | overrightarrow |
\overrightarrow | | \overrightarrow{AB} | ams |
\overrightharpoon | | \overrightharpoon{ac} | |
\overset | | \overset{!}{=} | ams |
\overwithdelims | Not supported | | |
\owns | | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\P | | \text{\P} or\P | |
\pagecolor | Not supported | Deprecated | texvc |
\parallel | | | |
\parr | | | cmll |
\part | Not supported | Deprecated | texvc |
\partial | | | |
\partialderivative | | \partialderivative{x}{y} | physics extension |
\pb | | \pb{x}{y} | physics extension |
\pdv | | \pdv{f}{x,y} | derivative |
\pdv* | | \pdv*{f}{x,y} | derivative |
\permil | | | wasysym |
\perp | | | |
\Perp | | | cmll |
\phantom | | \Gamma^{\phantom{i}j}_{i\phantom{j}k} | |
\phase | | \phase{30^\circ} | steinmetz |
\Phi | | | |
\phi | | | |
\Pi | | | |
\pi | | | |
{picture} | Not supported | | |
\pitchfork | | | ams |
\plim | | | statmath |
\plusmn | | | texvc extension |
\pm | | | |
\pmatrix | Not supported | See{pmatrix} | |
{pmatrix} | | \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{pmatrix} | ams |
{pmatrix*} | | \begin{pmatrix*}[r] -1 & 3 \\ 2 & -4
\end{pmatrix*} | mathtools |
\pmb | | \pmb{\mu} | ams |
\pmod | | x\pmod a | |
\pod | | x \pod a | ams |
\pointint | | | |
\poissonbracket | | \poissonbracket{A}{B} | physics extension |
\pounds | | | |
\pqty | | \pqty{5} | physics extension |
\Pr | | | |
\prec | | | |
\precapprox | | | ams |
\preccurlyeq | | | ams |
\preceq | | | ams |
\precnapprox | | | ams |
\precneqq | | | ams |
\precnsim | | | ams |
\precsim | | | ams |
\prescript | | \prescript{a}{2}{\mathbf{C}}^{5+}_{2} | mathtools |
\prime | | | |
\principalvalue | | | physics extension |
\pv | | | physics extension |
\PV | | \PV(x) | physics extension |
\prod | | | |
\projlim | | \projlim | ams |
\propto | | | |
\providecommand | | \providecommand\greet{\text{Hello}}
\greet | |
\psi | | | |
\Psi | | | |
\pu | | \pu{123 kJ//mol} | mhchem extension |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\Q | Not supported | See\Bbb{Q} | |
\qall | | | physics extension |
\qand | | | physics extension |
\qas | | | physics extension |
\qassume | | | physics extension |
\qc | | | physics extension |
\qcc | | | physics extension |
\qcomma | | | physics extension |
\QED | | | stix |
\qelse | | | physics extension |
\qeven | | | physics extension |
\qfor | | | physics extension |
\qgiven | | | physics extension |
\qif | | | physics extension |
\qin | | | physics extension |
\qinteger | | | physics extension |
\qlet | | | physics extension |
\qodd | | | physics extension |
\qor | | | physics extension |
\qotherwise | | | physics extension |
\qprime | | f^\qprime | stix |
\qq | | \qq{text} | physics extension |
\qqtext | | \qqtext{text} | physics extension |
\qquad | | a\qquad\qquad{b} | |
\qsince | | | physics extension |
\qthen | | | physics extension |
\qty | | \qty{5 \text{m}} | physics extension |
\quad | | a\quad\quad{b} | |
\quantity | | \quantity{5 \text{m}} | physics extension |
\qunless | | | physics extension |
\qusing | | | physics extension |
\questeq | | | stix |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\R | | | texvc extension |
\r | | \text{\r{a}} | |
\raise | | M\raise3pt{M^2}M or
M\raise3pt\hbox{$M^2$}M | |
\raisebox | | h\raisebox{2pt}{ighe}r | |
\rang | | \langle A\rang | texvc extension |
\rAngle | | \lAngle A\rAngle | unicode-math |
\rangle | | \langle A\rangle | |
\rank | | \rank M | physics extension |
\Rarr | | | texvc extension |
\rArr | | | texvc extension |
\rarr | | | texvc extension |
\ratio | | | colonequals |
\rBrace | | | stix |
\rbrace | | | |
\rbrack | | | |
{rcases} | | \begin{rcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d
\end{rcases} | mathtools |
\rceil | | | |
\Re | | | |
\real | | | texvc extension |
\Reals | | | texvc extension |
\reals | | | texvc extension |
\ref | | \ref{tag1} Some sites do not support\ref . | |
\reflectbox | | \reflectbox{S} | graphicx |
\relax | | | |
\renewcommand | | \def\hail{Hi!}
\hail | newcommand |
\renewenvironment | Not supported | | newcommand |
\require | Not supported | | |
\Res | | \Res[f(z)] | physics extension |
\restriction | | | ams |
\rfloor | | | |
\rgroup | | | |
\rhd | | | ams |
\Rho | | | |
\rho | | | |
\right | | \left.\dfrac a b\right) | |
\Rightarrow | | | |
\rightarrow | | | |
\rightarrowtail | | | ams |
\rightharpoondown | | | |
\rightharpoonup | | | |
\rightleftarrows | | | ams |
\rightleftharpoons | | | ams |
\rightmoon | | | stix |
\rightouterjoin | | | stix |
\rightrightarrows | | | ams |
\rightsquigarrow | | | ams |
\rightthreetimes | | | ams |
\risingdotseq | | | ams |
\rlap | | \rlap{\,/}{=} | |
\rm | | {\rm AaBb12} | |
\rmoustache | | | |
\root | Not supported | | |
\rotatebox | Not supported | | |
\rparen | | | mathtools |
\rppolint | | | |
\rq | | | |
\rrangle | | \llangle A\rrangle | unicode-math |
\rrbracket | | | stmaryrd |
\Rrightarrow | | | ams |
\Rsh | | | ams |
\rtimes | | | ams |
\Rule | Not supported | see\rule | |
\rule | | x\rule[6pt]{2ex}{1ex}x | |
\rVert | | | ams |
\rvert | | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\S | | \text{\S} or\S | |
\Sampi | | | |
\sampi | | | |
\sc | Not supported | See\textsc | |
\scoh | | | cmll |
\scalebox | Not supported | | |
\scpolint | | | |
\scr | Not supported | See\mathscr | |
\scriptscriptstyle | | \scriptscriptstyle \frac
cd | |
\scriptsize | | \scriptsize scriptsize | |
\scriptstyle | | A{\scriptstyle B} | |
\sdot | | | texvc extension |
\searrow | | | |
\sec | | | |
\sect | | \text{\sect} | texvc extension |
\set | | \set{x | x<5} | braket |
\Set | | \Set{ x | x < \tfrac 1 2 } | braket |
\setlength | Not supported | | |
\setminus | | | |
\sf | | {\sf AaBb123} | |
\sgn | | | mismath |
\sharp | | | |
\shift | | | cmll |
\shneg | | | cmll |
\shortmid | | | ams |
\shortparallel | | | ams |
\shoveleft | Not supported | | ams |
\shoveright | Not supported | | ams |
\shpos | | | cmll |
\shuffle | | | stix |
\sideset | | \sideset{_a^b}{_c^d}\sum | ams |
\Sigma | | | |
\sigma | | | |
\sim | | | |
\simeq | | | |
\sin | | | |
\sincoh | | | cmll |
\sinh | | | |
\sixptsize | | \sixptsize sixptsize | |
\sh | | | |
\skew | Not supported | | |
\skip | Not supported | | |
\sl | Not supported | | |
\small | | \small small | |
\smallfrown | | | ams |
\smallint | | | |
{smallmatrix} | | \begin{smallmatrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{smallmatrix} | |
\smallsetminus | | | ams |
\smallsmile | | | ams |
\smash | | \left(x^{\smash{2}}\right) | |
\smashtimes | | | stix |
\smile | | | |
\smiley | | | wasysym |
\sout | | \sout{abc} | ulem |
\Space | Not supported | see\space | |
\space | | a\space b | |
\spades | | | texvc extension |
\spadesuit | | | |
\sphericalangle | | | ams |
{split} | | \begin{equation}
\begin{split} a &=b+c\\ &=e+f
\end{equation} | ams |
\sqcap | | | |
\Sqcap | | | stix |
\sqcup | | | |
\Sqcup | | | stix |
\sqint | | | |
\square | | | |
\sqrt | | \sqrt[3]{x} | |
\sqsubset | | | ams |
\sqsubseteq | | | |
\sqsupset | | | ams |
\sqsupseteq | | | ams |
\ss | | \text{\ss} | |
\sslash | | | stmaryrd |
\stackrel | | \stackrel{!}{=} | |
\standardstate | | | chemstyle |
\star | | | |
\stareq | | | stix |
\Stigma | | | |
\stigma | | | |
\strictif | | | txfonts/pxfonts |
\strictfi | | | txfonts/pxfonts |
\strut | Not supported | | |
\style | Not supported | Non standard | |
\sub | | | texvc extension |
{subarray} | | \sum_{\begin{subarray}{l} i\in\Lambda\\ 0<j<n
\end{subarray}}P(i,j) | ams |
\sube | | | texvc extension |
\Subset | | | ams |
\subset | | | |
\subseteq | | | |
\subseteqq | | | ams |
\subsetneq | | | ams |
\subsetneqq | | | ams |
\substack | | \sum_{\substack{0<i<m\\0<j<n}} | ams |
\succ | | | |
\succapprox | | | ams |
\succcurlyeq | | | ams |
\succeq | | | |
\succnapprox | | | ams |
\succneqq | | | ams |
\succnsim | | | ams |
\succsim | | | ams |
\sum | | | |
\sun | | | stix |
\sup | | | |
\supe | | | texvc extension |
\Supset | | | ams |
\supset | | | ams |
\supseteq | | | |
\supseteqq | | | ams |
\supsetneq | | | ams |
\supsetneqq | | | ams |
\surd | | | |
\swarrow | | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\tag | | \tag{hi} e=mc^2 \label{tag1} | ams |
\tag* | | \tag*{hey} e=mc^2 | ams |
\tan | | | |
\tanh | | | |
\Tau | | | |
\tau | | | |
\tbinom | | \tbinom n k | ams |
\TeX | | | |
\text | | \text{ yes }\&\text{ no } | |
\textasciitilde | | \text{\textasciitilde} | |
\textasciicircum | | \text{\textasciicircum} | |
\textbackslash | | \text{\textbackslash} | |
\textbar | | \text{\textbar} | |
\textbardbl | | \text{\textbardbl} | |
\textbf | | \textbf{AaBb123} | |
\textbraceleft | | \text{\textbraceleft} | |
\textbraceright | | \text{\textbraceright} | |
\textbullet | | \text{\textbullet} | |
\textcircled | | \textcircled{a} | amssymb |
\textcolor | | \textcolor{blue}{F=ma} | color |
\textdagger | | \text{\textdagger} | |
\textdaggerdbl | | \text{\textdaggerdbl} | |
\textdegree | | \text{\textdegree} | |
\textdollar | | \text{\textdollar} | |
\textellipsis | | \text{\textellipsis} | |
\textemdash | | \text{\textemdash} | |
\textendash | | \text{\textendash} | |
\texteuro | | \text{\texteuro} | |
\textgreater | | \text{\textgreater} | |
\textit | | \textit{AaBb} | |
\textless | | \text{\textless} | |
\textmd | | \textmd{AaBb123} | |
\textnormal | | \textnormal{AB} | |
\textquotedblleft | | \text{\textquotedblleft} | |
\textquotedblright | | \text{\textquotedblright} | |
\textquoteleft | | \text{\textquoteleft} | |
\textquoteright | | \text{\textquoteright} | |
\textregistered | | \text{\textregistered} | |
\textrm | | \textrm{AaBb123} | |
\textsc | | \textsc{hey} | |
\textsf | | \textsf{AaBb123} | |
\textsl | Not supported | | |
\textsterling | | \text{\textsterling} | |
\textstyle | | \textstyle\sum_0^n | |
\texttt | | \texttt{AaBb123} | |
\textunderscore | | \text{\textunderscore} | |
\textup | | \textup{AaBb123} | |
\textvisiblespace | | \text{\textvisiblespace} | |
\tfrac | | \tfrac ab | ams |
\tg | | | |
\th | | | |
\therefore | | | ams |
\Theta | | | |
\theta | | | |
\thetasym | | | texvc extension |
\thickapprox | | | ams |
\thicksim | | | ams |
\thickspace | | a\thickspace b | ams |
\thinspace | | a\thinspace b | ams |
\threedotcolon | | | stix |
\tilde | | \tilde M | |
\times | | | |
\Tiny | | \Tiny Tiny | |
\tiny | | \tiny tiny | |
\to | | | |
\top | | | |
\Tr | | \Tr\rho | physics extension |
\tr | | \tr\rho | physics extension |
\triangle | | | |
\triangledown | | | ams |
\triangleleft | | | |
\trianglelefteq | | | ams |
\triangleq | | | ams |
\triangleminus | | | stix |
\triangleplus | | | stix |
\triangleright | | | |
\trianglerighteq | | | ams |
\triangletimes | | | stix |
\trprime | | f^\trprime | stix |
\tt | | {\tt AaBb123} | |
\twocaps | | | stix |
\twocups | | | stix |
\twoheadleftarrow | | | ams |
\twoheadrightarrow | | | ams |
\typecolon | | | stix |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\u | | \text{\u{a}} | |
\Uarr | | | texvc extension |
\uArr | | | texvc extension |
\uarr | | | texvc extension |
\ulcorner | | | ams |
\underbar | | \underbar{X} | |
\underbrace | | \underbrace{x+⋯+x}_{n\text{ times}} | |
\underbracket | Not supported | | |
\undergroup | | \undergroup{AB} | MnSymbol |
\underleftarrow | | \underleftarrow{AB} | ams |
\underleftrightarrow | | \underleftrightarrow{AB} | ams |
\underrightarrow | | \underrightarrow{AB} | ams |
\underline | | \underline{\text{a long argument}} | |
\underlinesegment | Not supported | | |
\underparen | | \underparen{abc} | |
\underrightarrow | | \underrightarrow{AB} | |
\underset | | \underset{!}{=} | AMS |
\unicode | Not supported | See\char | |
\unlhd | | | ams |
\unrhd | | | ams |
\up | Not supported | | |
\upalpha | | | upgreek |
\Uparrow | | | |
\uparrow | | | |
\upbeta | | | upgreek |
\updelta | | | upgreek |
\upchi | | | upgreek |
\Updownarrow | | | |
\updownarrow | | | |
\upeta | | | upgreek |
\upepsilon | | | upgreek |
\upgamma | | | upgreek |
\upharpoonleft | | | ams |
\upharpoonright | | | ams |
\upiota | | | upgreek |
\upkappa | | | upgreek |
\uplambda | | | upgreek |
\upmu | | | upgreek |
\upnu | | | upgreek |
\upomega | | | upgreek |
\upomicron | | | upgreek |
\uplus | | | upgreek |
\upphi | | | upgreek |
\uppi | | | upgreek |
\uppsi | | | upgreek |
\uprho | | | upgreek |
\uproot | Not supported | | |
\upshape | Not supported | | |
\upsigma | | | upgreek |
\Upsilon | | | |
\upsilon | | | |
\uptau | | | upgreek |
\uptheta | | | upgreek |
\upuparrows | | | ams |
\upupsilon | | | upgreek |
\upxi | | | upgreek |
\upzeta | | | upgreek |
\urcorner | | | ams |
\url | | \url{} Requirestrust option | |
\utilde | AB~ | \utilde{AB} | undertilde |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\v | ǎ | \text{\v{a}} | |
\va | 𝒂→ | \va{a} | physics extension |
\var | δ | | physics extension |
\varcoppa | ϙ | | |
\varclubsuit | ♧ | | txfonts |
\varDelta | 𝛥 | | ams |
\vardiamondsuit | ♦ | | txfonts |
\varepsilon | ε | | |
\varGamma | 𝛤 | | ams |
\varheartsuit | ♥ | | txfonts |
\variation | δ | | physics extension |
\varinjlim | lim→ | \varinjlim | ams |
\varkappa | ϰ | | ams |
\varLambda | 𝛬 | | ams |
\varliminf | lim | \varliminf | ams |
\varlimsup | lim | \varlimsup | ams |
\varnothing | ⌀ | | ams |
\varointclockwise | ∲ | | |
\varOmega | 𝛺 | | ams |
\varPhi | 𝛷 | | ams |
\varphi | φ | | |
\varPi | 𝛱 | | ams |
\varpi | ϖ | | |
\varprojlim | lim← | \varprojlim | ams |
\varpropto | ∝ | | ams |
\varPsi | 𝛹 | | ams |
\varrho | ϱ | | |
\varSigma | 𝛴 | | ams |
\varsigma | ς | | |
\varspadesuit | ♤ | | txfonts |
\varstigma | Not supported | | |
\varsubsetneq | ⊊︀ | | ams |
\varsubsetneqq | ⫋︀ | | ams |
\varsupsetneq | ⊋ | | ams |
\varsupsetneqq | ⫌︀ | | ams |
\varTheta | 𝛩 | | ams |
\vartheta | ϑ | | |
\vartriangle | △ | | ams |
\vartriangleleft | ⊲ | | ams |
\vartriangleright | ⊳ | | ams |
\varUpsilon | 𝛶 | | ams |
\varXi | 𝛯 | | ams |
\vb | 𝒂 | \vb{a} | physics extension |
\vcentcolon | : | | |
\vcenter | a+(abc) | a+\left(\vcenter{\frac{\frac a b}c}\right) | |
\Vdash | ⊩ | | ams |
\VDash | ⊫ | | MnSymbol |
\vDash | ⊨ | | ams |
\vdash | ⊢ | | |
\vdot | ⋅ | | physics extension |
\vdots | ⋮ | | |
\vec | F→ | \vec{F} | |
\vectorarrow | 𝒂→ | \vectorarrow{a} | physics extension |
\vectorbold | 𝒂 | \vectorbold{a} | physics extension |
\vectorunit | 𝒂^ | \vectorunit{a} | physics extension |
\vee | ∨ | | |
\Vee | ⩔ | | stix |
\veebar | ⊻ | | ams |
\veedot | ⟇ | | stix |
\veedoublebar | ⩣ | | stix |
\veeeq | ≚ | | stix |
\veeonvee | ⩖ | | stix |
\verb | \frac a b | \verb!\frac a b! | |
\Vert | ‖ | | |
\vert | | | | |
\vfil | Not supported | | |
\vfill | Not supported | | |
\vline | Not supported | | |
{Vmatrix} | ‖abcd‖ | \begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{Vmatrix} | ams |
{Vmatrix*} | ‖−132−4‖ | \begin{Vmatrix*}[r] -1 & 3 \\ 2 & -4
\end{Vmatrix*} | mathtools |
{vmatrix} | |abcd| | \begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d
\end{vmatrix} | ams |
{vmatrix*} | |−132−4| | \begin{vmatrix*}[r] -1 & 3 \\ 2 & -4
\end{vmatrix*} | mathtools |
\vphantom | Ma | \overline{\vphantom{M}a} | |
\vqty | |x| | \vqty{x} | physics extension |
\vu | 𝒂^ | \vu{a} | physics extension |
\Vvdash | ⊪ | | ams |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\wedge | ∧ | | |
\Wedge | ⩓ | | stix |
\wedgebar | ⩟ | | stix |
\wedgedot | ⟑ | | stix |
\wedgedoublebar | ⩠ | | stix |
\wedgeq | ≙ | | stix |
\wedgeonwedge | ⩕ | | stix |
\weierp | ℘ | | texvc extension |
\whitesquaretickleft | ⟤ | | stix |
\whitesquaretickright | ⟥ | | stix |
\widecheck | ABˇ | \widecheck{AB} | mathabx |
\widehat | AB^ | \widehat{AB} | |
\wideparen | abc⏜ | \wideparen{abc} | MnSymbol |
\widetilde | AB~ | \widetilde{AB} | |
\with | & | | cmll |
\wn | ? | | cmll |
\wp | ℘ | | |
\wr | ≀ | | |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\xcancel | ABC | \xcancel{ABC} | cancel |
\xdef | Not supported | | |
\Xi | Ξ | | |
\xi | ξ | | |
\xhookleftarrow | ↩abc | \xhookleftarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xhookrightarrow | ↪abc | \xhookrightarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xLeftarrow | ⇐abc | \xLeftarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xleftarrow | ←abc | \xleftarrow{abc} | ams |
\xleftharpoondown | ↽abc | \xleftharpoondown{abc} | mathtools |
\xleftharpoonup | ↼abc | \xleftharpoonup{abc} | mathtools |
\xLeftrightarrow | ⇔abc | \xLeftrightarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xleftrightarrow | ↔abc | \xleftrightarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xleftrightharpoons | ↼abc⇁abc | \xleftrightharpoons{abc} | mathtools |
\xlongequal | =abc | \xlongequal{abc} | extpfeil |
\xmapsto | ↦abc | \xmapsto{abc} | mathtools |
\Xor | ⊻ | | stix |
\xRightarrow | ⇒abc | \xRightarrow{abc} | mathtools |
\xrightarrow | →abc | \xrightarrow{abc} | ams |
\xrightharpoondown | ⇁abc | \xrightharpoondown{abc} | mathtools |
\xrightharpoonup | ⇀abc | \xrightharpoonup{abc} | mathtools |
\xrightleftharpoons | ⇀abc↽abc | \xrightleftharpoons{abc} | mathtools |
\xtofrom | →abc←abc | \xtofrom{abc} | extpfeil |
\xtwoheadleftarrow | ↞abc | \xtwoheadleftarrow{abc} | extpfeil |
\xtwoheadrightarrow | ↠abc | \xtwoheadrightarrow{abc} | extpfeil |
Function |
Rendered |
Source or Comment |
Package |
\yen | ¥ | | ams |
\Z | ℤ | | texvc extension |
\Zeta | Ζ | | |
\zeta | ζ | | |
Copyright © 2021-2025 Ron Kok. Released under the MIT License