Supported Functions
Temml is a JavaScript library that converts TeX math-mode functions to MathML. This page lists the TeX functions it supports, sorted into logical groups.
There is a similar Support Table, sorted alphabetically, that lists both supported and some un-supported functions.
f' | \tilde{a} | \widetilde{ac} |
f'' | \vec{F} | \utilde{AB} |
f^{\prime} | \overleftarrow{AB} | \overrightarrow{ABC} |
\acute{a} | \underleftarrow{AB} | \underrightarrow{AB} |
\bar{y} | \overline{AB} | \Overrightarrow{AB} |
\breve{a} | \underline{AB} | \overleftrightarrow{AB} |
\check{a} | \widecheck{ac} | \underleftrightarrow{AB} |
\dot{a} | \overleftharpoon{ac} | \overrightharpoon{ac} |
\ddot{a} | \overgroup{AB} | \wideparen{AB} |
\dddot{a} | \undergroup{AB} | \overparen{AB} |
\ddddot{a} | \underbar{X} | \underparen{AB} |
\grave{a} | \mathring{g} | \overbrace{AB} |
\hat{\theta} | \widehat{ac} | \underbrace{AB} |
f^{\dprime} | f^{\trprime} | f^{\qprime} |
\sigma^{\backprime} | \sigma^{\backdprime} | \sigma^{\backtrprime} |
Accent functions inside \text{…}
\'{a} | \~{a} | \.{a} | \H{a} |
\`{a} | \={a} | \"{a} | \v{a} |
\^{a} | \u{a} | \r{a} | \c{c} |
See also letters
\cancel{5} | \overbrace{a+b+c}^{\text{note}} |
\bcancel{5} | \underbrace{a+b+c}_{\text{note}} |
\xcancel{ABC} | \boxed{\pi=\frac c d} |
\sout{abc} | |
\ref{tag1} | |
\tag{hi} x+y^{2x} \label{tag1} | |
\tag*{bye} x+y^{2x} |
Also some environments have automatic equation numbering.
A \label{…}
may be placed anywhere and will create an HTML id matching the \label{…}
argument. That argument may contain only the characters A-Za-z0-9_-
On sites where Temml fields are updated dynamically, \ref{…}
may not be supported. Other Temml functions update only the local field. \ref{…}
and eqref
must make two passes through the entire document. Some sites may choose not to do this. \label
always creates an id
, so you can write your own <a>
element if \ref
is not available.
{\color{blue} F=ma} | {\color[RGB]{255,0,255} F=ma} |
\textcolor{blue}{F=ma} | {\color[rgb]{1,0,1} F=ma} |
\textcolor{#228B22}{F=ma} | {\color[HTML]{ff00ff} F=ma} |
\colorbox{aqua}{A} | \definecolor{sortaGreen}{RGB}{128,128,0} {\color{sortaGreen} F=ma} |
\fcolorbox{red}{aqua}{A} |
functions can be included in a preamble. If so, their color definitions will have document-wide scope.
Color functions can all take an optional argument to set the color model, as in the xcolor
package. (Exception: \definecolor
’s model argument is required.) Temml supports color models HTML
, and rgb
If the color model is omitted, Temml color functions will accept:
, orrrggbb
.A color name previously created by
.Any of the standard HTML predefined color names.
Any color from the following
Apricot | ForestGreen | olive | RoyalPurple |
Aquamarine | Fuchsia | OliveGreen | RubineRed |
Bittersweet | Goldenrod | orange | Salmon |
blue | gray | Orange | SeaGreen |
Blue | Gray | OrangeRed | Sepia |
BlueGreen | green | Orchid | SkyBlue |
BlueViolet | Green | Peach | SpringGreen |
BrickRed | GreenYellow | Periwinkle | Tan |
brown | JungleGreen | PineGreen | teal |
Brown | Lavender | pink | TealBlue |
BurntOrange | lightgray | Plum | Thistle |
CadetBlue | lime | ProcessBlue | Turquoise |
CarnationPink | LimeGreen | purple | violet |
Cerulean | magenta | Purple | Violet |
CornflowerBlue | Magenta | RawSienna | VioletRed |
cyan | Mahogany | red | WildStrawberry |
Cyan | Maroon | Red | yellow |
Dandelion | Melon | RedOrange | Yellow |
darkgray | MidnightBlue | RedViolet | YellowGreen |
DarkOrchid | Mulberry | Rhodamine | YellowOrange |
Emerald | NavyBlue | RoyalBlue |
( ) | \lparen \rparen | ⌈ ⌉ | \lceil \rceil | \uparrow |
[ ] | \lbrack \rbrack | ⌊ ⌋ | \lfloor \rfloor | \downarrow |
\{ \} | \lbrace \rbrace | ⎰⎱ | \lmoustache \rmoustache | \updownarrow |
⟨ ⟩ | \langle \rangle | ⟮ ⟯ | \lgroup \rgroup | \Uparrow |
\lt \gt | \lAngle \rAngle | ┌ ┐ | \ulcorner \urcorner | \Downarrow |
| | \vert | └ ┘ | \llcorner \lrcorner | \Updownarrow |
\| | \Vert | \left. | \right. | \backslash |
\lvert \rvert | \lVert \rVert | ⟦ ⟧ | \llbracket \rrbracket | \lBrace \rBrace |
\llparenthesis \rrparenthesis | \llangle \rrangle |
The texvc extension includes \lang
and \rang
Delimiter Sizing
( \big( \Big( \bigg( \Bigg(
\left | \big | \bigl | \bigm | \bigr |
\middle | \Big | \Bigl | \Bigm | \Bigr |
\right | \bigg | \biggl | \biggm | \biggr |
\Bigg | \Biggl | \Biggm | \Biggr |
\begin{matrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{matrix} | \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \end{array} | ||
\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{pmatrix} | \begin{bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{bmatrix} | ||
\begin{vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{vmatrix} | \begin{Vmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Vmatrix} | ||
\begin{Bmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{Bmatrix} | \renewcommand{\arraycolsep}{9pt} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \begin{array}{c|c:c} a & b & c \\ \hline d & e & f \\ \hdashline g & h & i \end{array} | ||
x = \begin{cases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{cases} | \begin{rcases} a &\text{if } b \\ c &\text{if } d \end{rcases}⇒ | ||
\begin{smallmatrix} a & b \\ c & d \end{smallmatrix} | \sum_{\begin{subarray}{l} i\in\Lambda\\ 0<j<n \end{subarray}} | ||
\bordermatrix{ & 1 & 2 & 3 \cr 1 & A & B & C \cr 2 & D & E & F \cr} | \bordermatrix[{[]}]{ & 1 & 2 & 3 \cr 1 & A & B & C \cr 2 & D & E & F \cr} |
AMS Environments
The auto-render extension will render the following environments even if they are not inside math delimiters such as $$…$$
. They are display-mode only.
\begin{equation} \begin{split} a &=b+c\\ &=e+f \end{split} \label{eqn} \end{equation} | \begin{align} a&=b+c \\ d+e&=f \end{align} | ||
\begin{gather} a=b \\ e=b+c \label{g} \end{gather} | \begin{alignat}{2} 10&x+ &3&y = 2 \\ 3&x+&13&y = 4 \end{alignat} | ||
\begin{CD} A @>a>> B \\ @VbVV @AAcA \\ C @= D \end{CD} | \begin{multline} \rm uno \\ \rm dos \\ \rm tres \end{multline} |
Other Temml Environments
Environments | How they differ from those shown above |
darray , dcases , drcases | … apply displaystyle |
matrix* , pmatrix* , bmatrix* Bmatrix* , vmatrix* , Vmatrix* | … take an optional argument that sets column alignment, as in \begin{matrix*}[r] |
equation* , gather* align* , alignat* | … have no automatic numbering. |
gathered , aligned , alignedat | … do not need to be in display mode. … have no automatic numbering. … must be inside math delimiters in order to be rendered by the auto-render extension. |
Acceptable horizontal line separators are: \\
and \cr
Temml supports \tag{…}
, \notag
, and \nonumber
to modify equation numbering.
Functions \ref
and \eqref
will return an HTML <a>
element that displays the \tag
or auto-tag at a \label
location. Examples: from code: \ref{eqn}
and from code: \eqref{g}
. (Note: \ref
and \eqref
may not be supported by some sites. They take longer to run than other Temml functions.)
Temml CSS contains a work-around for a Firefox bug that inserts extra space between environment rows. The Temml work-around is effective for all environment functions except \renewcommand{\arraystretch}
The {array}
environment does not yet support \cline
or \multicolumn
The following "raw HTML" features are potentially dangerous for untrusted inputs, so they are disabled by default, and attempting to use them produces the command names in red (which you can configure via the errorColor
option). To fully trust your LaTeX input, you need to pass an option of trust: true
; you can also enable just some of the commands or for just some URLs via the trust
In April, Temml will no longer support the \href
and \url
Greek Letters
\Alpha | \Beta | \Gamma | \Delta | \Epsilon |
\Zeta | \Eta | \Theta | \Iota | \Kappa |
\Lambda | \Mu | \Nu | \Xi | \Omicron |
\Pi | \Rho | \Sigma | \Tau | \Upsilon |
\Phi | \Chi | \Psi | \Omega | \varGamma |
\varDelta | \varTheta | \varLambda | \varXi | \varPi |
\varSigma | \varUpsilon | \varPhi | \varPsi | \varOmega |
\alpha | \beta | \gamma | \delta | \epsilon |
\zeta | \eta | \theta | \iota | \kappa |
\lambda | \mu | \nu | \xi | \omicron |
\pi | \rho | \sigma | \tau | \upsilon |
\phi | \chi | \psi | \omega | |
\upalpha | \upbeta | \upgamma | \updelta | \upepsilon |
\upzeta | \upeta | \uptheta | \upiota | \upkappa |
\uplambda | \upmu | \upnu | \upxi | \upomicron |
\uppi | \uprho | \upsigma | \uptau | \upupsilon |
\upphi | \upchi | \uppsi | \upomega | |
\varepsilon | \varkappa | \vartheta | \varpi | \varrho |
\varsigma | \varphi | \Coppa | \coppa | \Koppa |
\koppa | \Sampi | \sampi | \Stigma | \stigma |
\digamma | \varcoppa |
Direct Input: Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω α β γ δ ϵ ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ o π ρ σ τ υ ϕ χ ψ ω ε ϑ ϖ ϱ ς φ ϝ
Other Letters
\aleph | \nabla | \imath | \text{\aa} | \text{\OE} |
\beth | \partial | \jmath | \text{\AA} | \text{\o} |
\gimel | \Game | \Im | \Angstrom | \text{\O} |
\daleth | \Finv | \Bbbk | \text{\ae} | \text{\ss} |
\eth | \hbar | \Re | \text{\AE} | \text{\i} |
\ell | \hslash | \wp | \text{\oe} | \text{\j} |
Letters in the texvc extension
\alef | \Complex | \natnums | \real | \weierp |
\alefsym | \image | \R | \reals | \thetasym |
\cnums | \N | \Reals | \Z |
Direct Input: ∂ ∇ ℑ Ⅎ ℵ ℶ ℷ ℸ ⅁ ℏ ð À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô ö ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ ₊ ₋ ₌ ₍ ₎ ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ ₐ ₑ ₕ ᵢ ⱼ ₖ ₗ ₘ ₙ ₒ ₚ ᵣ ₛ ₜ ᵤ ᵥ ₓ ᵦ ᵧ ᵨ ᵩ ᵪ ⁺ ⁻ ⁼ ⁽ ⁾ ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ᵃ ᵇ ᶜ ᵈ ᵉ ᵍ ʰ ⁱ ʲ ᵏ ˡ ᵐ ⁿ ᵒ ᵖ ʳ ˢ ᵗ ᵘ ʷ ˣ ʸ ᶻ ᵛ ᵝ ᵞ ᵟ ᵠ ᵡ
Math-mode Unicode (sub|super)script characters will render as if you had written regular characters in a subscript or superscript. For instance, A²⁺³
will render the same as A^{2+3}
Unicode Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
Item | Range | Item | Range |
Bold | Double-struck | ||
Italic | Sans serif | ||
Bold Italic | Sans serif bold | ||
Monospace | Sans serif italic | ||
Script | Sans serif bold italic | ||
Fraktur | Bold Fraktur |
There are two methods that will render any Unicode charater:
Use the
function and the Unicode code in hex. For example\char"263a
will render as .Write the character inside
. For example,\text{☺}
will render as .
More about Unicode script…
The Unicode range U+1D49C - U+1D4B5, Mathematical Script, has been ambiguous. Some fonts put chancery glyphs () at those code points and some fonts use roundhand glyphs (). Temml’s default for code points in this range is chancery, which matches the fonts Cambria Math and STIX TWO. It also matches the TeX function \mathcal{…}
Per Unicode 14+, Temml will return a roundhand glyph if you append a \ufe01
to a character in the range .
Line Breaks
Hard line breaks are \\
and \newline
Temml inserts soft line breaks per TeXbook p. 173 if not in display mode and no hard line breaks are employed. They work in Chromium and Firefox, but not in Safari.
\reflectbox{$\frac a b$} |
Vertical Layout
x_n | \stackrel{!}{=} | a\raisebox{0.25em}{b}c |
e^x | \overset{!}{=} | M\raise3pt{M^2}M |
_u^o | \underset{!}{=} | M\lower3pt{M^2}M |
a \atop b | a+\left(\vcenter{\frac{\frac a b}c}\right) |
\sum_{\substack{0<i<m\\0<j<n}} |
LaTeX puts the second argument of \raisebox
into text mode, but it can contain math if the math is nested within $…$
delimiters, as in \raisebox{0.25em}{$\frac a b$}
Overlap and Spacing
{=}\mathllap{/\,} | \left(x^{\smash{2}}\right) |
\mathrlap{\,/}{=} | \sqrt{\smash[b]{y}} |
\sum_{\mathclap{1\le i\le j\le n}} x_{ij} |
Temml also supports \llap
, \rlap
, and \clap
. They work only in text mode if the rendering options include strict: true
Function | Produces | Function | Produces |
\, | ³∕₁₈ em space | \kern{distance} | space, width = distance |
\thinspace | ³∕₁₈ em space | \mkern{distance} | space, width = distance |
\> | ⁴∕₁₈ em space | \mskip{distance} | space, width = distance |
\: | ⁴∕₁₈ em space | \hskip{distance} | space, width = distance |
\medspace | ⁴∕₁₈ em space | \hspace{distance} | space, width = distance |
\; | ⁵∕₁₈ em space | \hspace*{distance} | space, width = distance |
\thickspace | ⁵∕₁₈ em space | \phantom{content} | space the width and height of content |
\enspace | ½ em space | \hphantom{content} | space the width of content |
\quad | 1 em space | \vphantom{content} | a strut the height of content |
\qquad | 2 em space | \! | – ³∕₁₈ em space |
~ | non-breaking space | \negthinspace | – ³∕₁₈ em space |
\<space> | space | \negmedspace | – ⁴∕₁₈ em space |
\nobreakspace | non-breaking space | \negthickspace | – ⁵∕₁₈ em space |
\space | space |
will accept any of the Temml units.
, \mkern
, \mskip
, and \hskip
accept unbraced distances, as in: \kern1em
and \mskip
will not work in text mode and both will write a console warning for any unit except mu
is valuable as a vertical strut.
Logic and Set Theory
\forall | \complement | \therefore | \emptyset |
\exists | \subset | \because | \varnothing |
\nexists | \supset | \mapsto | \implies |
\in | \mid | \to | \impliedby |
\ni | \land | \gets | \iff |
\notin | \lor | \QED | \lightning |
\notni | \neg or \lnot | \Set{ x | x<\frac 1 2 } | \set{x|x<5} |
\strictif | \strictfi |
Linear Logic (from the cmll
Operators | \oc | \wn | \with | \parr |
\shpos | \shneg | \shift | \invamp | |
Relations | \coh | \scoh | \Perp | \multimapboth |
\incoh | \sincoh | \multimapinv |
Equivalents in the texvc extension
\exist | \isin | \empty | \sub |
Direct Input: ∀ ∴ ∁ ∵ ∃ ∣ ∈ ∉ ∋ ⊂ ⊃ ∧ ∨ ↦ → ← ↔ ∅ ⟹ ⟺ ¬ ↯ ⥼ ⥽
\def | \def\macroname<arg list>{definition to be expanded} | |
\def\foo{x^2} \foo + \foo | ||
\gdef | \gdef\macroname<arg list>{definition to be expanded} | |
\gdef\foo#1#2{#1^2 #2^3}
\foo a b + \foo c d | ||
\xdef | \xdef\macroname#1#2…{definition to be expanded} | |
\edef | \edef\macroname#1#2…{definition} | |
\let | \let\foo=\bar | |
\futurelet | \futurelet\foo\bar x | |
\global\def | \global\def\macroname#1#2…{definition} | |
\newcommand | \newcommand\macroname[numargs]{definition} | |
\newcommand\foo[2]{#1^2 #2^3}
\foo a b + \foo c d | ||
\renewcommand | \renewcommand\macroname[numargs]{definition} | |
\providecommand | \providecommand\macroname[numargs]{definition} |
To create macros with document-wide scope, use \gdef
, \global\let
, or define a preamble in one of the Temml rendering options. (Global macros may be disabled for security reasons.)
Macros accept up to nine arguments: #1, #2, etc.
Available functions include:\char
@ is a valid character for commands, as if \makeatletter
were in effect.
Temml has no \par
, so \long
is ignored.
Big Operators
\sum | \prod | \bigotimes | \bigvee |
\int | \coprod | \bigoplus | \bigwedge |
\iint | \intop | \bigodot | \bigcap |
\iiint | \smallint | \biguplus | \bigcup |
\iiiint | \intcap | \bigcupplus | \bigsqcup |
\oint | \varointclockwise | \bigcupdot | \bigsqcap |
\oiint | \pointint | \rppolint | \scpolint |
\oiiint | \intlarhk | \sqint | \intx |
\intbar | \intBar | \fint | \bigdoublevee |
\intcup | \intclockwise | \bigtimes | \bigdoublewedge |
Direct Input: ∫ ∬ ∭ ⨌ ∮ ∯ ∰ ⨖ ∲ ∏ ∐ ∑ ⋀ ⋁ ⋂ ⋃ ⨀ ⨁ ⨂ ⨄ ⨆ ⨅
Binary Operators
+ | \closedvarcap | \lhd | \sslash |
- | \closedvarcup | \ltimes | \threedotcolon |
/ | \Cup or \doublecup | \minusdot | \times |
* | \cup | \minusfdots | \twocaps |
\amalg | \cupovercap | \minusrdots | \twocups |
\And or \with | \curlyvee | x\mod a | \typecolon |
\ast | \curlywedge | \mp | \unlhd |
\barcap | \div | \parr or \upand | \unrhd |
\barcup | \divideontimes | \pm | \uplus |
\barvee or \Nor | \dotminus | x \pmod a | \Vee |
\barwedge or \Nand | \dotplus | x \pod a | \vee or \lor |
\bmod | \doublebarvee | \rhd | \veebar or \Xor |
\bowtie or\Join | \doublebarwedge | \rightouterjoin | \veedot |
\bullet | \fullouterjoin | \rightthreetimes | \veedoublebar |
\Cap or \doublecap | \gtrdot | \rtimes | \veeonvee |
\cap | \intercal | \setminus | \Wedge |
\capbarcup | \interleave | \shuffle | \wedge or \land |
\capdot | \invlazys | \smallsetminus | \wedgebar |
\capovercup | \leftthreetimes | \smashtimes | \wedgedot |
\cdot | \leftouterjoin | \sqcap | \wedgedoublebar |
\cdotp | \leftmodels | \Sqcap | \wedgeonwedge |
\centerdot | \ldotp | \sqcup | \wr |
\circ | \lessdot | \Sqcup |
The texvc extension provides \plusmn
Direct Input: + - / ∖ * ⋅ ∘ ± × ÷ ∓ ∔ ∧ ∨ ∩ ∪ ≀ ⊎ ⊓ ⊔ ⋈ ⟕ ⟖ ⟗
Geometric Binary Operators
\bigcirc | \circledvert | \ominus |
\blackhourglass | \circlehbar | \operp |
\boxast | \concavediamond | \oplus |
\boxbox | \concavediamondtickleft | \oslash |
\boxcircle | \concavediamondtickright | \otimes |
\boxdot | \diamond | \Otimes |
\boxminus | \hourglass | \otimeshat |
\boxplus | \lozengeminus | \star |
\boxslash | \obar | \triangle |
\boxtimes | \obslash | \triangleminus |
\circledast | \odiv | \triangleplus |
\circledcirc | \odot | \triangletimes |
\circleddash | \ogreaterthan | \whitesquaretickleft |
\circledequal | \olessthan | \whitesquaretickright |
\circledparallel |
Direct Input: ◯ ⧗ ⧆ ⧈ ⧇ ⊡ ⊟ ⊞ ⊠ ⊛ ⊚ ⊖ ⊜ ⦷ ⦶ ⦵ ⟡ ⟢ ⟣ ⋄ ⧖ ⟠ ⌽ ⦸ ⨸ ⊙ ⧁ ⧀ ⊝ ⦹ ⊕ ⊘ ⊗ ⨷ ⨶ ⋆ △ ⨺ ⨻ ⟤ ⟥
Fractions and Binomials
\frac{a}{b} | \tfrac{a}{b} | \genfrac ( ] {2pt}{1}a{a+1} |
{a \over b} | \dfrac{a}{b} | {a \above{2pt} b+1} |
a/b | \cfrac{a}{1 + \cfrac{1}{b}} |
\binom{n}{k} | \dbinom{n}{k} | {n\brace k} |
{n \choose k} | \tbinom{n}{k} | {n\brack k} |
Math Operators
\operatorname{f} | \cosec | \dim | \pdv*{f}{x,y} |
\arcsin | \cosh | \exp | \sec |
\arccos | \cot | \hom | \sgn |
\arctan | \cotg | \ker | \sin |
\arctg | \coth | \lg | \sinh |
\arcctg | \csc | \ln | \sh |
\arg | \ctg | \log | \tan |
\ch | \cth | \odv{f}{x} | \tanh |
\cos | \nabla | \odv*{f}{x} | \tg |
\partial | \deg | \pdv{f}{x,y} | \th |
\operatorname*{f} or\operatornamewithlimits | \inf | \max | \sup |
\argmax | \injlim | \min | \varinjlim |
\argmin | \lim | \plim | \varliminf |
\det | \liminf | \Pr | \varlimsup |
\gcd | \limsup | \projlim | \varprojlim |
Functions in the bottom five rows of this table can take \limits
Enclosing Operators
\sqrt{x} | \longdiv{40.0} | a_{\angl n} |
\sqrt[3]{x} | \phase{30^\circ} | a_\angln |
Note: WebKit (Safari) does not support \phase
Physics and Chemistry
\bra{\phi} | \prescript{a}{2}{\mathbf{C}}^{5+}_{2} |
\ket{\psi} | \braket{\phi\vert\psi} |
\Bra{\phi} | \Braket{ \phi | \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2} | \psi } |
\Ket{\psi} |
From the mhchem extension:
\ce{SO4^2- + Ba^2+ -> BaSO4 v} | |
\pu{75.3 J // mol K} |
There is much more mhchem
information in the
mhchem docs.
Click to see the physics extension.
\abs{x} | \innerproduct{a}{b} | \qif |
\absolutevalue{x} | \ketbra{a}{b} | \qin |
\acomm{A}{B} | \laplacian | \qinteger |
\anticommutator{A}{B} | \matrixel{n}{A}{m} | \qlet |
\Bqty{5 \text{mm}} | \matrixelement{n}{A}{m} | \qodd |
\bqty{5 \text{mm}} | \mel{n}{A}{m} | \qor |
\comm{A}{B} | \norm{x} | \qotherwise |
\commutator{A}{B} | \op{a}{b} | \qq{text} |
\cp | \order{x^2} | \qqtext{text} |
\cross | \outerproduct{a}{b} | \qsince |
\crossproduct | \partialderivative{x}{y} | \qthen |
\curl | \pb{x}{y} | \qty{5 \text{m}} |
\dd | \quantity{5 \text{m}} | |
\derivative{x}{y} | \poissonbracket{A}{B} | \qunless |
\differential | \pqty{5} | \qusing |
\divergence | \principalvalue | \rank M |
\dotproduct | \pv | \Res\[f(z)\] |
\dv{x}{y} | \PV(x) | \Tr\rho |
\dyad{a}{b} | \qall | \tr\rho |
\erf(x) | \qand | \va{a} |
\ev{x} | \qas | \var |
\eval{\tfrac 1 2 x}_0^n | \qassume | \variation |
\evaluated{\tfrac 1 2 x}_0^n | \qc | \vb{a} |
\expectationvalue{x} | \qcc | \vdot |
\expval{x} | \qcomma | \vectorarrow{a} |
\fdv{x}{y} | \qelse | \vectorbold{a} |
\functionalderivative{x}{y} | \qeven | \vectorunit{a} |
\grad | \qfor | \vqty{x} |
\gradient | \qgiven | \vu{a} |
= | \eqcirc | \lessgtr | \smile |
< | \eqcolon or\minuscolon | \lesssim | \sqsubset |
> | \Eqcolon or\minuscoloncolon | \ll | \sqsubseteq |
: | \eqqcolon | \lll | \sqsupset |
:= | \Eqqcolon | \llless | \sqsupseteq |
\approx | \eqdef | \lt | \stareq |
\approxeq | \eqsim | \measeq | \Subset |
\arceq | \eqslantgtr | \mid | \subset |
\asymp | \eqslantless | \models | \subseteq |
\backcong | \equiv | \multimap | \subseteqq |
\backepsilon | \fallingdotseq | \multimapboth | \succ |
\backsim | \frown | \multimapinv | \succapprox |
\backsimeq | \ge | \origof | \succcurlyeq |
\between | \geq | \owns | \succeq |
\bumpeq | \geqq | \parallel | \succsim |
\Bumpeq | \geqslant | \perp | \Supset |
\circeq | \gg | \Perp | \supset |
\coh | \ggg | \pitchfork | \supseteq |
\colonapprox | \gggtr | \prec | \supseteqq |
\Colonapprox or\coloncolonapprox | \gt | \precapprox | \thickapprox |
\coloneq or\colonminus | \gtrapprox | \preccurlyeq | \thicksim |
\Coloneq or\coloncolonminus | \gtreqless | \preceq | \trianglelefteq |
\coloneqq or\colonequals | \gtreqqless | \precsim | \triangleq |
\Coloneqq or \coloncolonequals | \gtrless | \propto | \trianglerighteq |
\colonsim | \gtrsim | \questeq | \varpropto |
\Colonsim or\coloncolonsim | \imageof | :\ratio or\vcentcolon | \vartriangle |
\cong | \in or \isin | \risingdotseq | \vartriangleleft |
\curlyeqprec | \incoh | \scoh | \vartriangleright |
\curlyeqsucc | \le | \shortmid | \vdash |
\dashv | \leq | \shortparallel | \vDash |
\dblcolon or\coloncolon | \leqq | \sim | \Vdash |
\doteq | \leqslant | \simeq | VDash |
\Doteq | \lessapprox | \sincoh | \Vvdash |
\doteqdot | \lesseqgtr | \smallfrown | \veeeq |
\eqeq | \lesseqqgtr | \smallsmile | \wedgeq |
The texvc extension provides \sub
, \sube
, and \supe
Direct Input: = < > : ∈ ∋ ∝ ∼ ∽ ≂ ≃ ≅ ≈ ≊ ≍ ≎ ≏ ≐ ≑ ≒ ≓ ⩵ ≖ ≗ ≜ ≡ ≤ ≥ ≦ ≧ ≫ ≬ ≳ ≷ ≺ ≻ ≼ ≽ ≾ ≿ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ⊏ ⊐ ⊑ ⊒ ⊢ ⊣ ⊩ ⊪ ⊸ ⋍ ⋐ ⋑ ⋔ ⋙ ⋛ ⋞ ⋟ ⌢ ⌣ ⩾ ⪆ ⪌ ⪕ ⪖ ⪯ ⪰ ⪷ ⪸ ⫅ ⫆ ≲ ⩽ ⪅ ≶ ⋚ ⪋ ⟂ ⊨ ≔ ≕ ⩴ ⊷ ⊶
Negated Relations
\not =
\gnapprox | \ngeqslant | \nsubset | \nVdash |
\gneq | \ngtr | \nsubseteq | \precnapprox |
\gneqq | \nleq | \nsubseteqq | \precneqq |
\gnsim | \nleqq | \nsucc | \precnsim |
\gvertneqq | \nleqslant | \nsucceq | \subsetneq |
\lnapprox | \nless | \nsupset | \subsetneqq |
\lneq | \nmid | \nsupseteq | \succnapprox |
\lneqq | \notin | \nsupseteqq | \succneqq |
\lnsim | \notni | \ntriangleleft | \succnsim |
\lvertneqq | \nparallel | \ntrianglelefteq | \supsetneq |
\ncong | \nprec | \ntriangleright | \supsetneqq |
\ne | \npreceq | \ntrianglerighteq | \varsubsetneq |
\neq | \nshortmid | \nvdash | \varsubsetneqq |
\ngeq | \nshortparallel | \nvDash | \varsupsetneq |
\ngeqq | \nsim | \nVDash | \varsupsetneqq |
Direct Input: ∉ ∌ ∤ ∦ ≁ ≆ ≠ ≨ ≩ ≮ ≯ ≰ ≱ ⊀ ⊁ ⊄ ⊅ ⊈ ⊉ ⊊ ⊋ ⊬ ⊭ ⊮ ⊯ ⋠ ⋡ ⋦ ⋧ ⋨ ⋩ ⋬ ⋭ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪵ ⪶ ⪹ ⪺ ⫋ ⫌
\circlearrowleft | \Leftrightarrow | \restriction |
\circlearrowright | \leftrightarrows | \rightarrow |
\curvearrowleft | \leftrightharpoons | \Rightarrow |
\curvearrowright | \leftrightsquigarrow | \rightarrowtail |
\dashleftarrow | \Lleftarrow | \rightharpoondown |
\dashrightarrow | \longleftarrow | \rightharpoonup |
\downarrow | \Longleftarrow | \rightleftarrows |
\Downarrow | \longleftrightarrow | \rightleftharpoons |
\downdownarrows | \Longleftrightarrow | \rightrightarrows |
\downharpoonleft | \longmapsto | \rightsquigarrow |
\downharpoonright | \longrightarrow | \Rrightarrow |
\gets | \Longrightarrow | \Rsh |
\hookleftarrow | \looparrowleft | \searrow |
\hookrightarrow | \looparrowright | \swarrow |
\iff | \Lsh | \to |
\impliedby | \mapsfrom | \twoheadleftarrow |
\implies | \mapsto | \twoheadrightarrow |
\leadsto | \nearrow | \uparrow |
\leftarrow | \nleftarrow | \Uparrow |
\Leftarrow | \nLeftarrow | \updownarrow |
\leftarrowtail | \nleftrightarrow | \Updownarrow |
\leftharpoondown | \nLeftrightarrow | \upharpoonleft |
\leftharpoonup | \nrightarrow | \upharpoonright |
\leftleftarrows | \nRightarrow | \upuparrows |
\leftrightarrow | \nwarrow |
Arrows in the texvc extension
\Darr | \Harr | \Larr | \Lrarr | \Rarr | \Uarr |
\dArr | \hArr | \lArr | \lrArr | \rArr | \uArr |
\darr | \harr | \larr | \lrarr | \rarr | \uarr |
Direct Input: ← ↑ → ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖︎ ↗︎ ↘︎ ↙︎ ↚ ↛ ↞ ↠ ↢ ↣ ↦ ↩︎ ↪︎ ↫ ↬ ↭ ↮ ↰ ↱↶ ↷ ↺ ↻ ↼ ↽ ↾ ↾ ↿ ⇀ ⇁ ⇂ ⇃ ⇄ ⇆ ⇇ ⇈ ⇉ ⇊ ⇋ ⇌⇍ ⇎ ⇏ ⇐ ⇑ ⇒ ⇓ ⇔ ⇕ ⇚ ⇛ ⇝ ⇠ ⇢ ⟵ ⟶ ⟷ ⟸ ⟹ ⟺ ⟼ ↽
Extensible Arrows
\xleftarrow{abc} | \xrightarrow[under]{over} |
\xLeftarrow{abc} | \xRightarrow{abc} |
\xleftrightarrow{abc} | \xLeftrightarrow{abc} |
\xhookleftarrow{abc} | \xhookrightarrow{abc} |
\xtwoheadleftarrow{abc} | \xtwoheadrightarrow{abc} |
\xleftharpoonup{abc} | \xrightharpoonup{abc} |
\xleftharpoondown{abc} | \xrightharpoondown{abc} |
\xleftrightharpoons{abc} | \xrightleftharpoons{abc} |
\xtofrom{abc} | \xmapsto{abc} |
\xlongequal{abc} |
All extensible arrows can take an optional argument in the same manner as \xrightarrow[under]{over}
Style, Size, and Font
Class Assignment
Override the usual spacing and semantic meaning of a character or fragment.
a = b a \mathord{=} b a \mathopen{=} b a \mathclose{=} b | a | b a \mathpunct{|} b a \mathop{|} b a \mathbin{|} b a \mathrel{|} b |
See also \operatorname.
\mathrm{Ab0} | \mathbf{Ab0θ} | \mathit{Ab0θ} |
\mathnormal{Ab0} | \textbf{Ab0θ} | \textit{Ab0θ} |
\textrm{Ab0θ} | {\bf Ab0θ} | {\it Ab0θ} |
{\rm Ab0} | \bold{Ab0θ} | \textup{Ab0θ} |
\textnormal{Ab0θ} | \boldsymbol{Ab0θ} | \Bbb{Ab0} |
\text{Ab0θ} | \bm{Ab0θ} | \mathbb{Ab0} |
\mathsf{Ab0} | \textmd{Ab0θ} | \frak{Ab} |
\textsf{Ab0} | \mathtt{Ab0} | \mathfrak{Ab} |
{\sf Ab0} | \texttt{Ab0} | \mathcal{AB} |
\mathsfit{Ab} | {\tt Ab0 } | {\cal AB} |
\emph{Ab0} | \textsc{hey} | \mathscr{AB} |
The \textXX
versions can stack font family, font weight, and font shape. So \textsf{\textbf{H}}
will produce . The other versions do not stack, e.g., \mathsf{\mathbf{H}}
will produce .
In cases where math fonts do not have a bold glyph, \pmb
can simulate one. For example, \pmb{\vartheta}
renders as :
Font Size
\Huge AB | \normalsize AB |
\huge AB | \small AB |
\LARGE AB | \footnotesize AB |
\Large AB | \scriptsize AB |
\large AB | \Tiny AB |
\tiny AB |
\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n | |
\textstyle\sum_{i=1}^n | |
\scriptstyle x (The size of a first sub/superscript) | |
\scriptscriptstyle x (The size of subsequent sub/superscripts) | |
\lim\limits_y x | |
\lim\nolimits_y x | |
\verb!x^2! | |
\text{ABcd $ABcd$} |
shifts its contents into text mode, but you can shift back into math mode by nesting $…$
Symbols and Punctuation
% comment | \dots | \TeX |
\% | \cdots | \LaTeX |
\# | \ddots | \Temml |
\& | \ldots | \rule[6pt]{2ex}{1ex} |
\_ | \vdots | \surd |
\text{\textunderscore} | \iddots | \infty |
\text{--} | \dotsb | \checkmark |
\text{\textendash} | \dotsc | \ballotx |
\text{---} | \dotsi | \dagger or \dag |
\text{\textemdash} | \dotsm | \text{\textdagger} |
\text{\textasciitilde} | \dotso | \ddagger or \ddag |
\text{\textasciicircum} | \idotsin | \text{\textdaggerdbl} |
$ $ `` `` | \mathellipsis | \angle |
text{\textquoteleft} | \text{\textellipsis} | \measuredangle |
\lq | \Box | \sphericalangle |
\text{\textquoteright} | \square | \top |
\rq | \blacksquare | \bot |
\text{\textquotedblleft} | \triangledown | \Bot |
" | \triangleleft | \$ or \text{\textdollar} |
\text{\textquotedblright} | \triangleright | \cent |
\colon | \bigtriangledown | \pounds |
\backprime | \bigtriangleup | \mathsterling |
\prime | \blacktriangle | \text{\textsterling} |
\text{\textless} | \blacktriangledown | \yen |
\text{\textgreater} | \blacktriangleleft | \euro |
\text{\textbar} | \blacktriangleright | \text{\texteuro} |
\text{\textbardbl} | \Diamond | \degree |
\text{\textbraceleft} | \lozenge | \text{\textdegree} |
\text{\textbraceright} | \blacklozenge | \mho |
\text{\textbackslash} | \bigstar | \diagdown |
\text{\textvisiblespace} | \maltese | \diagup |
\text{\P} or \P | \clubsuit | \varclubsuit |
\text{\S} or \S | \diamondsuit | \vardiamondsuit |
\copyright | \heartsuit | \varheartsuit |
\circledR | \spadesuit | \varspadesuit |
\circledS | \female | \male |
\text{\textregistered} | \astrosun | \sun |
\textcircled{a} | \leftmoon | \rightmoon |
\text{\textbullet} | \Earth | \flat |
\smiley | \natural | \sharp |
\standardstate | \QED | \lightning |
\diameter | \permil |
Symbols in the texvc extension
\clubs | \hearts | \sdot |
\diamonds | \spades | \infin |
\bull | \text{\sect} | \Dagger |
Direct Input: § ¶ £ ¥ € ∇ ∞ · ∠ ∡ ∢ ⌀ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ♭ ♮ ♯ © ® ☺ ✓ ↯ ∎ … ⋮ ⋯ ⋱ ! ‼ ☉
Unit | Value | Unit | Value |
em | CSS em | bp | 1/72 inch |
ex | CSS ex | pc | 12 pt |
mu | 1/18 em | dd | 1238/1157 pt |
pt | 1/72.27 inch | cc | 14856/1157 pt |
mm | 1 mm | nd | 685/642 pt |
cm | 1 cm | nc | 1370/107 pt |
in | 1 inch | sp | 1/65536 pt |
The effect of script level and font size:
Unit | textstyle normal size |
scriptscript | huge |
em or ex | |||
mu | |||
others |
and ex
are affected by font size changes such as \Large
, but they are not affected by script level, so they will not change size in a fraction numerator or an exponent.
is affected by both script level and font size.
The other units are absolute and are not affected by either script level or font size.
Copyright © 2021-2025 Ron Kok. Released under the MIT License